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Sunday, August 19, 2012

Oil Pulling Using Organic Virgin Coconut Oil-- Detox, Get Slimmer & Healthier

I remember when I was a teenager, once my dad brought home a bottle of coconut oil; for its benefits in skincare, hair care and even for cooking; from a trip to Thailand. I opened the bottle and saw the yellowish solid form of this fatty coconut oil. I tried it on my skin, and felt quite uncomfortable due to the greasy oil blocked my pore, and I could not understand how anyone could possibly kept this oil on their skin? Plus this solid form of oil reminded me of the lard, which connected to thicken our blood, clot the vines and cause cholesterol and heart disease. 

But I always love the flavor and taste of coconuts- coconut candy, coconut tart, coconut ice cream....., even the rich coconut flavored Thai curry was one of my favorite. Well, I did not eat them too often though, because of the negative impression about the coconut oil.

Recently when I was watching a Chinese TV show, a 70 year old doctor (who was also a cancer survivor) recommended coconut oil as the best cooking oil on the show, which surprised me. The show host also responded right away saying: Thai cooking uses coconut oil, no wonder most of the Thai people are slim! This impressed me. 

After some search online, I found some amazing information about the benefit of coconut oil. So I decided to give it a try. 

Victoria's Secret’s Supermodel 
Miranda Kerr says 
she has been taking coconut oil 
since she was 14 
and can't live without it. 
One of the interesting information is about "Oil Pulling" which you swish (not gargling) coconut oil in your mouth thoroughly  (by pushing/ pulling and drawing it between your teeth) for 20 minutes and then spit it out and rinse your mouth with water. Do not swallow the oil, because it is loaded with bacteria, toxins and mucous from your mouth/nose. This is done two to three times a day before meals. And it is said to kill bacteria, detox and clear your mouth, nose, and even lungs. Many people reported their teeth became brighter, and gums got healthier, allergy was controlled, headache was gone......... just unbelievable. 

The misconceptions about coconut oil was mostly due to its high levels of saturated fat, but the saturated fat in coconut oil is largely made up of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFA) which transformed into energy very quickly so it will not become your body fat, neither would it heighten your cholesterol. And the stableness of saturate fat also benefits as antioxidant in your body.

Coconut oil is used as nature antibacterial, antimicrobial and antiviral, because of the high percentage content of lauric acid, which will be converted into antiviral and antibacterial properties upon absorbent. 

As our body needs good fat to generate hormones, it is recommended to intake 2-4 tablespoons of coconut oil a day. Each 15g/tablespoon of coconut oil contains around 135 calorie, so don't drink up the whole bottle all at once even there are over 100 benefits of using coconut oil. 

The bad rap of coconut oil was also from the refined or hydrogenated coconut oil. Trans fats in hydrogenated oils increase the possibility of heart disease and other health problems. So make sure you get the snow-white type of cold pressed organic virgin (or extra virgin) coconut oil; not the yellowish cheap type. 

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